Nursery Jaws-Next Generation
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The Next Generation Nursery
Jaws® are one of the newest additions to the Nursery Jaws®
family of material handling attachments. Next Generation
Nursery Jaws® has impressive capacity with heavy duty
construction for long life. The Next Generation Nursery
Jaws® incorporates the versatility of the Nursery Jaws®
2's method of handling materials but with a greater
capacity, greater range of motion and with virtually no
maintenance! From large to small, now you can do it all!
- Remove trees from mulch
- Move up to 65" B&B trees
- Move plastic containers, grow bags and pallets
- Move multiple B&B trees
- Move up to 36" boxes (48" with expanded
- Move and place boulders up to 2 1/2 tons
- Load, unload and double stack
- Transport and plant nursery stock
- Carry loads up to 4500 lbs
- Two functions to adjust parallel width of the forks,
with a wider range of adjustments than the Nursery
Jaws® 2. The ability to handle materials either using
the pivot fork or the parallel pivot arm makes it
extremely USER FRIENDLY!
(4.62 meg, 70 second clip)
Brochure-Click Here
Shipping Information:
Standard Version 84x46x28, Wide Version 54x40x86
"The steadily
increasing quantity of Nursery Jaws® in our production
holding area is the best example of the pivotal role they
play in efficiently moving and loading thousands of heavy,
balled and burlapped trees.
We've tried two
other varieties and our loaders like the Nursery Jaws®
best. With minimal, if any, design/breakdown issues, we find
them extremely reliable and absolutely perfect for our size,
weight and safety needs."
Kathy Sharp, General
Kendall Hill Nursery
Newark, Illinois |
"Having been a satisfied
Nursery Jaws II owner since 1997, we were excited about the
opportunity to try the Next Generation Nursery Jaws®.
Another quality product from a quality company. The Next
Generation Nursery Jaws® are built to last. They're just as
versatile and durable as their predecessors with no
consumable parts. With almost a full problem free season
behind them, they have required virtually no maintenance and
show no signs of wear."
Todd Haines, General
Christensen's Plant Center
Plymouth, Michigan
[ Mini Jaws ] [ Heavy Duty Mini Jaws ] [ NurseryJaws Jr. ] [ Nursery Jaws 1-New Style ] [ Nursery Jaws Hybrid ] [ Nursery Jaws 2 ] [ Next Generation ] [ Pallet Paws ] [ TarPuller ] [ U-Blade ] [ Plantform ] [ Dutchman Tree Spades ] [ Dutchman Tree Tyer ] [ Tracks ] [ Augers ]