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Another time and labor saving
attachment from DPM! The DPM TarPuller is the perfect
partner for a Nursery Jaws® after loading a truck.
Configured to fit a Nursery Jaws® or pallet forks, the
TarPuller allows you to tarp a truck or trailer in minimal
time and with minimal risk to your employees and tree stock.
Built with a telescoping boom, the TarPuller can be easily
transported to tarp trucks in any location. Now, you can
pull tarps and get your material on the road in record time
with less labor.
- Cover your biggest loads quickly and easily
- Protect your workers and your material
- End product damage
- Be more efficient
- Use less labor
Make the Tarpuller a durable and economical addition to
your operation.
(1.75 meg, 17 second clip)
Brochure-Click Here
"The TarPuller
combined with the Nursery Jaws® has become a great tool for
my business. It is easy for me to move to different
locations and is just plain necessary to tarp trucks,
especially in windy conditions. I have been extremely happy
with every product I have bought from DPM. They have service
after the sale that is unmatched across the country. I
really believe every nursery should have a Nursery Jaws®
and a TarPuller or they are wasting money."
John Teltschik, Owner
Tioga Tree Farm
Frisco, Texas |
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