Diversified Products Marketing, Inc.




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The DPM u-blade is yet another versatile tool that you will find invaluable for your business. You can bareroot small nursery stock, dig holes for planting, dig ditches, clear stumps or trees, even backdrag to rip or loft soil for planting. You will find many different uses for the U-blade every time you use it. Built tough to DPM's nationally recognized standards for quality and excellence, the U-blade will become another indispensable tool for your business.
  • Bareroot stock
  • Dig holes for planting
  • Clear stumps or waste land
  • Backdrag to loft & rip soil for planting
  • Easily clear unwanted trees and brush


Video (1.89 meg, 28 second clip)

Printable Brochure-Click Here



"DPM continually amazes me with the versatility and durability of their products. I purchased a U-blade last year, and I am learning new ways to use it every time I take it out. The usefulness of this product shouldn't surprise. DPM has been providing me with quality products that have literally changed the way I do business. I own multiple sets of Nursery Jaws®, TarPullers and now the U-blade, and coupled with the unmatched people at DPM, I look to them first for my attachment needs."

Larry Crump, Owner
Trees of Delta
Cooper, Texas



Mini Jaws ] Heavy Duty Mini Jaws ] NurseryJaws Jr. ] Nursery Jaws 1-New Style ] Nursery Jaws Hybrid ] Nursery Jaws 2 ] Next Generation ] Pallet Paws ] TarPuller ] [ U-Blade ] Plantform ] Dutchman Tree Spades ] Dutchman Tree Tyer ] Tracks ] Augers ]