Diversified Products Marketing, Inc.



Contact Us

Mailing Address: DPM, Inc, PO Box 36, Davenport, NE 68335

Shipping Address: DPM, Inc. 306 E 12th St, Davenport, NE 68335


Phone: Toll Free 1-800-669-4408 or 402-364-2186


Fax 402-364-2194


Email: sales@nurseryjaws.com

Job Application: Click Here To Download

DPM Inc and Plains Tree Farm located in Davenport, Nebraska is hiring. Skills needed would include managing people, basic computer skills and welding training or experience. Experience in operating forklifts, skid loaders and large trucks is also preferred. Competitive wages and benefits. Please call us at 800-669-4408 if you have any questions.

Please mail back to DPM, PO Box 36, Davenport, NE 68335 or fax back to us at 402-364-2194.






Plains Tree Farm
(Wholesale Customers Only)


Oak Prairie Nursery
(Retail and Wholesale Customers)