Impressive Capacity

The Next Generation Nursery Jaws® are one of the newest additions to the Nursery Jaws® family of material handling attachments. Next Generation Nursery Jaws® has impressive capacity with heavy duty construction for long life. The Next Generation Nursery Jaws® incorporates the versatility of the Nursery Jaws® 2’s method of handling materials but with a greater capacity, greater range of motion and with virtually no maintenance! From large to small, now you can do it all!

  • Remove trees from mulch
  • Move up to 65" B&B trees
  • Move plastic containers, grow bags and pallets
  • Move multiple B&B trees
  • Move up to 36" boxes (48" with expanded version)
  • Move and place boulders up to 2 1/2 tons
  • Load, unload and double stack
  • Transport and plant nursery stock
  • Carry loads up to 4500 lbs
  • Two functions to adjust parallel width of the forks, with a wider range of adjustments than the Nursery Jaws® 2. The ability to handle materials either using the pivot fork or the parallel pivot arm makes it extremely USER FRIENDLY!
"The Nursery Jaws® allow us to plant large trees more efficiently."
Michael Terry
Rolling Hills Refuge, Salina, Kansas
What materials will the Next Generation Nursery Jaws handle?
Up to 65" B&B, 36" boxes (up to 48" with the expanded model), plastic containers, grow-bags and boulders up to 2 1/2 tons.
Loader requirements?
2000-4500lbs rated lift capacity
Characteristics of the Next Generation Nursery Jaws?
It has 2 functions to adjust parallel width of the forks but has a wider range of adjustment than the Nursery Jaws 2. It can handle materials either by using the pivot fork or parallel movement of the pivot arm. The same principles as the Nursery Jaws 2 with increased capability, capacity & durability.