Increased Versatility

The Nursery Jaws® Hybrid features a manually adjustable pivot point that allows you to handle a variety of material. The Nursery Jaws® Hybrid incorporates the rugged simplicity of the Nursery Jaws® 1 with the increased versatility of the Nursery Jaws® 2 into one attachment. This new design combines greater carrying capacity with lighter weight. The Nursery Jaws® Hybrid is one durable and versatile partner for your business.

  • Remove trees from mulch
  • Move up to 60" B&B trees
  • Move up to 36" boxes or container
  • Move up to 65 gallon pots
  • Move growbags
  • Load, unload and double stack
  • Transport and plant nursery stock
  • Move and place boulders
  • Simple to use
  • Carry loads up to 3000 lbs
"The Nursery Jaws® have cut required manpower in half for tree harvesting and loading tasks. It used to take two people to load the trees, now you can do it with just one."
Frank Roth
Rushton Farms, South Lyon, Michigan
What materials will the NJ Hybrid handle?
Up to 60" B&B, 32" boxes, plastic containers, grow-bags and boulders.
Loader requirements?
1500-3000lbs rated capacity
Characteristics of the NJ Hybrid?
Load, move and plant B&B, boxed and container trees, boulders and move pallets. Manually adjustable pivot point allows for wider and narrower parallel spacing than the Nursery Jaws 2.