Diversified Products Marketing, Inc.



Dutchman Tree Tyer

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Dutchman's Tree Spade's on-going commitment to building quality nursery machinery continues with the introduction of our new "Tree Tyer". The focus on building a quality tyer meant that a top ring was needed to funnel the branches accordingly. It also called for a hydraulic gate system and an inverted steel ring. Inverting a steel ring allowed for a smoother rotation with less chance of the ring coming into contact with branches. A smaller ring insert can be added to increase the versatility of the unit. An optional pivoting head can allow for tied trees within tighter areas as well. The end result is a stronger, smoother, more versatile tree tyer for your nursery application. Contact a representative today to find out how the Dutchman's Tree Tyer can work for you.
tyer 1.jpg (134178 bytes) tyer 2.jpg (144547 bytes) tyer 5.jpg (224555 bytes)
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  • Unique, compact design allows for a more even wrap
  • Hydraulic tubular gate for greater opening
  • Frontal tongs for initial branch lift
  • Internal "steel" ring for greater longevity and compact design
  • Optional pivoting arm or better angle reach
  • Optional "Horse-Shoe Ring" for down-sizing
  • Comes complete with Dutchman's "Pistol Grip Joystick"
  • Comes complete with a Pistol Grip Joystick Control Box
  • Sizes currently ranging from 30-inch to 60-inch
  • Built to last using quality components

Video Clip (2.96 meg, 31 seconds)

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